Saturday, October 30, 2004

Two Days And Counting.....

In campaign strategy sessions, you count the available "get out the vote" days up to the election, not including the election day. So we are at two days, and counting, and the smear tactics from the Republicans are underway. If everyone went and rented "Farenheit 9/11" before Tuesday, you would see the lying, cheating, manipulative, self-serving actions that George W. and his father, Cheney, and the remainder of the circle of thieves have done, using the office of the Presidency. We cannot afford personally for him to return for four more years, padding his pockets with more ill-gotten wealth from crooked decisions. If someone calls you to vote for Kerry, and you have had several calls -- don't get mad at them, but understand the passion of which these calls are made --- change is needed in the White House.