Thursday, May 03, 2007

One Way To Get Rid of Clutter

I am trying to get rid of clutter and have given some stuff away to various places. But, I found a great way to get stuff gone -- and that is to mail it to someone else!
I mailed some pants that were too big and ready to give away to my cousin to try. I mailed some souvenirs from a recent trip to the National Civil Rights Museum to my brother-in-law to use in his 7th grade Social Studies classroom.
I like this trend -- though the cost of mailing is probably equal to the cost of driving to a charity drop-off these days, with the price of gas as it is. I paid the most ever for gas yesterday and was horrified.
I may focus on the charities that come by and pick up the stuff. I feel good getting started; much more to clear away. Spring cleaning is probably going to reach into summer cleaning.