Monday, June 07, 2004

Heaven on Earth

I think that my idea of heaven on earth would include being surrounded by giraffes...and it really happened! We arranged a photo caravan tour at the San Diego Wild Animal Park and it promises feeding giraffes and closeup encounters with African animals. And closeup it was -- we were the only visitors on the truck that day and, as we entered the African savannah, the giraffes starting approaching the truck. We fed them, 2 or 3 at a time; they nuzzled and licked and breathed on us as we did not feed them fast enough. So then two of them just stuck their heads into the buckets inside the truck. At one point 7 or 8 heads were in the truck ready to eat, including a four month old baby. It is hard to imagine how magical it was -- there was a parade of giraffes walking behind the truck and they were followed by a parade of ostriches. Earlier that day a new baby giraffe had been born ... what a memorable day and only ten days after the Eagles concert. Summer is starting off with a bang! It is going to be hard to top this...