Thursday, October 07, 2004

Drug Trends

Middle school parents were invited to an evening program, previewing a presentation entitled "Drug Trends". This presentation is being given to the 7th and 8th graders to talk about drugs and why not to use them, describing in horrific detail the issue of substance abuse and how it affects the lives of everyone, users or not. There was a small turnout, but for those that went, it was an eye-opening evening. Stephanie Siete-Kreiling, BS, CHES, is a Training and Education Coordinator for a non-profit group, Community Bridges. She is amazing at her job -- she is a true blessing for those who come in contact with her -- and she told it like it is. And we had no idea.....
She told about different drugs that kids (and adults) abuse, outlining the reasons for higher rates in Arizona. The greater substance abuse yields more drunk driving and fatal accidents, let alone all kinds of other ripple effects.
The agency she works for, Community Bridges, is contracted for education of school kids and they also work closely with police agencies, operate shelters and are down in the trenches. I sure hope that the 7th graders listen really good tomorrow when they hear this stuff -- and I hope it shakes them up as much as it gave my husband and I a real shot of reality! (Pun not intended.)