Saturday, June 12, 2004

Letter Writing

I am sad to say, email has replaced traditional letter writing, for me, and millions of others, I fear. I still write thank you notes, and thinking of you notes, but the majority of my communications are via email. That has not helped at all with my family relationships. I believe that they read the emails with the emotion and tone that they THINK I would have, always resulting in a negative perception. Maybe that is an exaggeration, but email can be so satisfying with its immediacy and ability for constant, ongoing communication. It can also backfire and incite horrible exchanges that make you afraid to even open up your email.
In addition, I dislike talking on the phone, and am gun-shy from some email disasters, leaving very few options for communication. So, perhaps when people think I am not interested in maintaining a relationship with them, it is merely that I don't have a good way to communicate comfortably and honestly. I think, in some fashion, my blog could serve as a communication medium.