Thursday, August 19, 2004

Something for Nothing

I am a sucker for affinity buying clubs -- buy so much stuff and you get merchandise, gifts, etc. I learned a lesson today -- you don't really get something for nothing in most situations.
The beauty store, ULTA, where my daughter gets her hair cut, has a "club" where you get points for dollars spent. We got a flyer that we had 2 free items, so we rushed over there! You get to choose from a list of stuff, from their regular merchandise and it is actually a good incentive.
Here's where the problem begins. There was lots of help in the store, with only one at checkout and a long line. She kept leaving to find something, get help from her boss, answer a question and I came close to leaving my free stuff as my time and patience were wearing thin. Obviously, they want you to buy stuff while you are there. I bought an item on sale, but it rang up the regular price, the manager had to come over to fix the problem and we finally got out of there. Definitely makes me rethink this club plan.
I do, however, feel differently about the voucher for $2o store credit that you get for spending a certain amount at Nordstrom. I never question the value of that incentive!