Monday, August 06, 2007

Early Morning Routines

After my morning coffee, I look forward to seeing what is growing in my garden -- right now it is giant, lovely yellow and orange sunflowers.
I also enjoy reading my daily email bulletin from Dr. Weil. We had the honor of seeing him in person a few years ago -- he is wise, caring and so knowledgeable about the blend of traditional, alternative, and herbal medicine with spirituality. Our daily supplement basket is filled with his recommendations.
In the last two years, I have been inspired by gardening. I have both succeeded and failed with my vegetables. But, his bulletin today sums up the reason I will keep trying.

The Benefits of Gardening (Dr. Weil email bulletin Aug.4, 2007;

Gardening is a great way to connect with the earth, reduce stress, increase creativity and promote relaxation. Three good reasons you should get down and dirty in a garden:

  1. Gardening is therapeutic. There is even an emerging medical art known as horticultural therapy. People with all types of health conditions, schoolchildren, even prison inmates, are encouraged to learn about new plants and envision creative ways to arrange them in the ground as a way to provide a sense of accomplishment and improve self-image.
  2. Gardening is spiritual. Aside from delighting your senses with color, texture and scents, gardening enables you to connect with nature. Digging your hands through the soil and handling delicate plants can feed the soul.
  3. Gardening is exercise. Gardening is a low-impact activity that improves flexibility through bending and stretching, and has been shown to lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels. However, don't let it replace your walking regime or other regular aerobic exercise - do both, for maximum benefits.
Thank you, Dr. Weil, for putting into words the reason I love my garden so much.

Sunday, August 05, 2007

Great News On The Horizon

I screamed with delight and danced around the house when I saw the news that "The Eagles" were finishing up a new album and will be touring extensively in 2008!!! I am elated, but my family groaned. My daughter said "do I have to go again?"
I cannot wait and have added them as friends to my MySpace page. New songs, old songs, who cares -- whatever they play, I will love. I already know my face will hurt from smiling so much during the concert.