It Never Made Sense To Me!
I have always resisted making my bed, figuring you get back in it at night and straighten out the covers. I have argued with my mother, and even my daughter, about making the bed and why I just don't. Well, it turns out I was right all along.
I read an excerpt of a new book by Jeff Bredenberg, How to Cheat at Cleaning outlining "what we really want is to cut corners in every way we possibly can and still be proud of our homes. So I call it cheating."
His advice includes 10 Things to Stop Cleaning Now. Among them: Stop making the bed.
"Dust mites thrive on the moisture in your bed covers and mattress," he writes. The mites cause asthma and other breathing difficulties. "When you leave your bed unmade all day, the moisture escapes and the dust mites die."
So there all you people that yelled at me for never making the bed...