Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Another Halloween

I don't like Halloween for some reason -- many people think I was traumatized as a kid. But I also don't like costume parties, so maybe there is some correlation. There are some candies I like that are possibly no longer popular -- these are "Good 'N Plenty", "Big Hunk" and "3 Musketeers". I only like the "3 Musketeers" bar when it is frozen, however. My daughter offered to share her loot tonight, but there was none of the above and there was no dark chocolate of any kind.
I feel I cannot let this day pass without acknowledging the anniversary of this day six years ago. I started my radiation treatments on Halloween. It was perfect, in that a scary, strange treatment began with all the staff in costume and treats everywhere. It took the edge off of an odd day. Yes, I am here six years later to remember and appreciate it, but I still don't like Halloween. I admire that people are doing such creative decorations and worry so about their costumes, but it is not for me. I hope I am here to not like it next year as well.

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Bob Dylan and Sen. Barack Obama

I bet you did not think you could use the names of Bob Dylan and Senator Barack Obama in one sentence. Well, not only did I do that, but I saw both of them in a 24-hour period. Thinking back, it was pretty incredible and more exciting that I had expected. Not surprisingly, they have much in common. Listen up....
Bob Dylan -- our first show, but clearly not our last -- was seeing a legend perform his magic. It was surreal (we asked each other later if it really happened). He sang old songs, new songs, gave us chills. The highlight was "Like A Rolling Stone." He has influenced, and been influenced by musicians around the globe and throughout several decades. His music has changed the world, when he was seen as a symbol of the peace movement, even though he did not choose that as his hallmark.
Senator Barack Obama is going to change the world -- that is what I told him when he signed my book at an event Monday evening. He shook hands with 1200 people while signing. He is awesome, and his speech brought tears to my eyes as he touched on issues and ways to bring diverse people together to solve issues. His interest in the environment touched me personally. The poise and ease with which he spoke (we could not tell if it was scripted...) was phenomenal and he spoke a bit longer than planned as he was enjoying the acoustics of the majestic Orpheum Theatre. Ruth and I were honored to be in his presence, and he smiled when I told him that.
I was in the presence of greatness with both of these people as both are leaving their mark on history.
These two special days preceded the very last Homeowner Association Board meeting where I was president, an assignment I naievely accepted last year. And, then, this really fun, unusual flower and gourd arrangment with faces on the gourds arrived from my brother that makes me smile each time I look at it.
In all, my birthday year is off to a great start, but Jacqueline Bigar already knew that in my birthday horoscope. Will the hits keep on coming? I hope so and appreciate all of them.

Thursday, October 19, 2006


Or, maybe it is called "reap what you sow", but I ate dinner from my yard last night. It was one-half of a pink grapefruit, two globe eggplants (girlled on my George Foreman grill), topped with chopped oregano and basil. That was a wonderful fall dinner. I think I now know how cows and goats feel when they graze, eating what is available.
But, seriously, I am so excited that stuff is actually growing in the heat. And I am thankful that I am here to enjoy the harvest as I enter my senior years. I am now eligible for the senior citizen discounts at Arizona Fall League and who knows where else?